Thursday, September 30, 2010

Perception of Reality

Is there more crime now-a-days then there was in the 50s? People always say pre-1960 was 'the good ole days'. Maybe people were nicer to one another, maybe there were less crimes. I think that is a big maybe, a real big one. In fact, I think we are safer now than we were in the good ole 1950s.

In today's time there is more television coverage so we see all the crimes that were committed each day. When people say, "I remember when I never had to lock my door" I think, 'well if all the robberies were brought to your attention back then maybe you would have locked your door'. I can leave my door unlocked everyday right now, how many times do you think someone comes to my door and tries to get in when I'm not there? Chances are it rarely ever happens, if ever. So I could leave my door unlocked and it would be fine just like it was fine so many years ago. But since we have 24 hour news and movies that all make us aware of how many creeps there are we stand on our guard to make sure we stay away from them. Way back when there was no news telling you about all the crimes and so it was fine to just let the kids run around the neighborhood until who knows when. The kids can still run around, we just want to know where they are because we are aware of what can happen with all th predators out there.

In the 1950s and prior there was mass corruption in the police force, politicians interacting with the mob, all sorts of behind the scenes crime. People were gay back then, there were rapes, murders, kidnapping and all the same things you hear about today. The difference is all of that is brought to light in no time flat today.

In the end I think we are safer and better off in our present time. Sure the morals and attitudes of America has changed and landed us in some socially bitter times but as far as our safety I think we are better off today. Law enforcement knows more, we know more, medical care is 100 times better today...there are a ton of reasons to belief the 'good ole days' were just the 'ignorance is bliss' days. So when it all seems bleak and like were all headed to hell in a handbasket, just remember that society has always been like it is. That doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for a better existence, just that we don't have to be so down about the one we are in.


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