Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Immigration is a hot topic these days. We all know about Arizona's controversial new policies, and Florida is talking about passing similar legislation. While this may seem like it only applies to immigrants, it doesn't...it is very important for all Americans to understand what is at play with illegal immigration.

Millions of people come to America every year legally...they assimilate into American society and accept our way of life. These people are important to our culture and we should always welcome those who come here and obey our laws. Most of the problems that we have involving immigration comes from Mexico. I work with Mexicans a lot, they are hard-working and they've come to America for the opportunity to work. I respect them and I know that if I was born in Mexico and looking for work I would want to cross the border and get to America. I can respect their willingness to work and support their families and I know that the only difference between me and them is the geographical location in which I was born.

Many Mexicans save up some money while in Mexico and pay a mercenary to get them across the border...I have heard this from the mouth of Mexicans. Then they find work, usually in construction, and send money back to their families in Mexico while living on as little as possible in the states. If they can get enough money they will bring their wives to America...or a family may just send a pregnant woman to America so her child will be born in America. Once these women get to America and enter the emergency room to have their child it is illegal to refuse them service, and their child is now an American. The hospitals do not do this for free, they charge the government, who charges taxpayers, who are you and me...not illegal aliens.

Illegal immigrants don't pay taxes. For one, they are illegal so filing with the IRS would get them in trouble. Most of them are paid in cash so they don't have withholding, and even if they did they make so little they would not have to pay taxes. So they get to take advantage of all the things Americans do, and they don't have to pay for it like Americans do. Well, I'm all for looking after the needy and understanding that there are those less fortunate than I am, but it seems like they are getting a pretty good deal. Maybe they are living with 8 other people in a one bedroom apartment but it's a lot better than Mexico. The problem is, they have become a giant leech on the neck of America's economy, and we don't need them here anymore. While I have sympathy for the illegal Mexican immigrant, I cannot support American tax dollars going to keep them on our soil, healthy and happy.

Part of the reason Arizona passed it's law is because they have drug runners coming through their state and it is endangering the lives of their citizens, not to mention it is illegal activity. Mexico's drug problems and kidnapping problems do not have to become our problems. So by making sure these immigrants are legal, Arizona is cracking down on crime and shoring up the budget. It is unfortunate the Mexicans in Arizona legally will end up being subjected to random checks but they will have to accept that this is a problem that has to be dealt with or they need to move to another state.

For the opponents of the immigration laws, for those who believe we should have open borders and we should act as providers for the Mexican people may I offer you something to think about. Politicians who are willing to find any way they can to get re-elected want illegal Mexicans here. Under the guise of creating a workforce that is willing to do what Americans don't want to do they are creating a mass of voters. Those Mexicans who are allowed to stay, that are a vacuum on our health care and economy for years will eventually become citizens if we pass this kind of legislation...and once they do who will they vote for? So by not enforcing border control and allowing for Mexicans to flood into America we are creating a group of voters that will allow democrats to take over the government, an undefeatable party who will have well over 50% of the population every election year.

If we let illegal immigrants stay in America, have driver's licenses and receive healthcare where does it end? How many are we going to let in? Right now, there is 10% unemployment in America. Are those people not able to do the jobs Mexicans are doing now? I believe they are, we don't need help from Mexico...we need Mexico to help itself and take care of its people.


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