Thursday, October 14, 2010

View of America

In today's American culture there seems to be three prevailing views of the image of America people have. The first group sees America as a flawed nation, and apologize for it. The second group see America as a nation that has gotten off the tracks, but they believe we once had it right and so they want to restore America. The third group doesn't really care about where we are, they are only concerned with their own lives, and those are usually the people that don't vote.

If you've read any of my blog then you probably would hypothesize that I am in the second group of people. And while I disagree with the first group, I'd rather you be in that one than the third group.

President Obama falls into the first group...that is why he has gone around the world apologizing for our actions. His view of America is that we don't take care of the poor well enough, we impose military action on other countries too often, and the base of our country needs to be changed so that we can be more like Europe.

I am in favor of the second group because I believe in capitalism, democracy, smaller government, and the ability for people to be free and make their own path in life through hard work and perseverance just like our founding fathers set it up.

There is nothing wrong with America! We are still the greatest country in the world. There have always been, and will always be room for improvement but we have flourished to become a great nation by sticking to our founding principals. We don't want to change this successful formula because we make some mistakes and we are down in the dumps. If Americans will take care of their own business and unite to tackle the issues we face we will continue our reign as the most powerful, most giving, most influential, and best country in the history of mankind.


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