Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Global Warming

The word 'green' does not mean the same color as grass anymore, it means conservation and saving the planet. There is a huge push by the government and many businesses for the American public to 'go green', and if you aren't buying into then you are criticized for it. The reason for all this green-ness is global warming, which is supposedly destroying our planet. I think people need to find out the real reasons why all this green advocacy is going on and not just take the scientist word for it.

First off, unless scientist invent or create something they earn a paycheck either through the government or they are funded by a corperation or some type of organization. The people paying them those checks have a specific goal in mind and they want the scientist to 'prove' it correct through experiments and data. So when scientist come up a bunch of findings don't think they are bystanders who stumbled upon it, they were steered in that direction by the people with money who are paying them. When they don't get the results that organiztion wants, believe you me it doesn't get published.

The reason organizations have funded scientist to gather all this information and data to support global warming is because 'green' is a big time business. Have you ever noticed how much NBC emphasizes going green and taking care of the enviroment? Well, I have sad news for those who think they just love the planet. NBC is owned by General Electric who has made billions and billions of dollars off people purchasing 'green' items. Tons of companies are producing green items so that the people who are buying into all this will go the extra mile and purchase this unnecessary item, or many replace something they have with a more expensive, but green, item. 'Green' business nearly doubles every produces billions of dollars!

The idea of 'carbon footprint' is a model to live by for the enviromentalist. Supposedly, if we all reduce our carbon footprint then global warming will stop and mankind will be able to save the planet. So in order to maintain a proper footprint people will buy expensive items to protect the enviroment, or they will only buy recycled material, etc. and maybe they'll bike to work. You can even buy 'carbon credits', so if you have to drive a car to work you can make up for it by purchasing a tree to be planted in the Amazon within the next 5 years. Excuse me, but that is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard...that is what I call swindling the consumer. Al Gore is the king of carbon credits, he drives around in jets and fuel guzzling vehicles but donates some money to plant trees so it's all ok, right?

Well I don't really believe Al Gore is all that concerned about global warming. I think he's more concerned about making money for the companies that fund him and the democratic party. Republican's are controlled by corporations? How about democrats are controlled by producers of 'green' products and advocating it under the guise of it being good for the environment.

I'm not against recycling and conservation. I don't think we should slash and burn everything we have and not care about pollution. I think that when possible we should try to reuse things and take care of our natural resources. But I certainly don't think we should go out of our way to buy things because they are 'green', and we certainly shouldn't change our lifesytle because a bunch of enviromentalist say we should.

For years Hollywood, tv shows, and popular culture have made fun of people who are vigins at age 20, in the movies the guy who's a Christian is always stupid and square. Going 'green' is cut out of the same mold. If you don't believe in it or buy into then you are a fool...what is wrong with you? Well, it still hasn't been proven that humans even cause global warming. There really isn't even enough data to conclude the earth is actually warming that much. Have you ever watched the news and they say, 'once thought to cause __________, turns out that's not accurate'....well that is because it is all theory and with more experiments and data differenct results can be found.

I don't go around believing everything I'm told. Instead, I question the validity of it and find the answer on my own. I challege you to investigate global warming and all other things you believe and find the true answers. As for the global warming issue itself, I'll go on living my life as I have without concern for being 'green' and let God worry about the planet HE created. If He wants to correct the problem then it will be corrected, if not then let it be.


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