Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The National Deficit

It is estimated that the United States is over $13 trillion in debt right now and it is rising at over $4 billion per day. If you split the debt to each person in the country it's roughly $45,000 each. That is a ton of debt and all of the out of control spending the federal government has exhibited has gotten us into a huge hole that will take years to get out of.

All of these ridiculous stimulus packages that have done next to nothing except increase our debt have been some of the stupidest things our government has ever done. Back-door deals, corruption, and greed have swirled and while politicians get rich the American people are left with the bill. We have got to throw these bums out of office and get some new blood in there to change this 'spending is the way to go' attitude in Washington right now.

The danger of maintaining a democrat controlled majority in congress is that taxes will continue to rise. All of this debt has to be paid off at some point and once our economy corrects itself and heads back on the right track they are going to stick us with more taxes and we're going to fall right back down into the same hole. We need to get fiscally conservative people elected to office so that we can lower taxes and cut spending to create more jobs and get the economy rolling enough that the taxes that come in will drastically reduce the deficit. Then after years of chipping away at it we need to stick to our plans and use the model of the Republicans of 2000-2006 as what not to do.


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