Monday, May 2, 2011

Gas Prices

Gas prices just keep going up. I don't like it. Now you have to think twice about taking a weekend trip because if it takes a full tank to get somewhere it will most likely cost $150+ round trip in gas, and that's not including driving around once you get to your destination. When gas is $2-3 per gallon, you might spend $150 in an entire month on gas. These high gas prices are like a hidden tax.

As we try and try to get out of this bad economy higher gas prices aren't doing anything to help. They basically cripple the economy for two reasons: people have less money to spend because they have to spend money on gas to get around and the cost of goods increases because we rely on freight to move things around for us to buy them. So needs like groceries go up in price which also contributes to people having less money. Then certain goods the people want but don't need go up in price and folks don't buy them because they are too expensive.

All this means an economy that is barely hanging on gets flushed down the tubes if prices continue to go up, or stay at this high rate. The solution: drill here and drill now. The United States has plenty of oil and we need to access that oil and start lowering gas prices.

If we drill for oil on our soil it will have 3 positive effects: 1. We will lower gas prices 2. We will create a lot of jobs for Americans 3. We will stop funding Middle Eastern countries who use that money in ways we don't agree with and we have to spend more of our money to go over there to contain their evil.

It seems so easy but the liberal environmentalist are too concerned about harming anything in nature so they won't let us drill in America. But at some point the American people need to stand up and tell this loud 15% of people who are so concerned about it that we want to get back to where we need to be by drilling here, now!


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