Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Night Lights

Me and Stacey started watching the show Friday Night Lights around New Year's. All the episodes are on instant Netflix so it was easy. We quickly got sucked into the show, and due to a winter storm handicapping Atlanta for a week in January, we basically binged on the show while we were stuck in the house.

We recently finished the final season after waiting a couple months for it to come out on DVD. I think it's one of the best shows I've ever watched. Even if you don't like football you would like Friday Night Lights. Without a doubt, it is the most realistic show I've ever seen.

It's not so much realistic because of the stories that are involved, but it's realistic in the way people act, how they talk, how they would react in certain situations. It doesn't come off as how Hollywood portrays American life. It is more like American life with a camera following it. Of course, it is a TV show so there are some things that aren't as realistic in the stories, but they are all believable enough to keep you interested.

If you're bored this summer and haven't seen the show, I would highly recommend watching the entire series from start to finish.


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