Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm probably the only person who thinks about this but...

The other day I was watching a TV show. The character had two steaks in his hand. His kids claimed they were now vegans and they wouldn't eat meat so he threw the steaks into the woods in disgust. This really bothered me because he just threw away two perfectly good steaks. Now, I know it's just TV and those steaks were just a prop, they were never going to even cook them. But it just bothers me. And then that character walked off and I could help but think, isn't he going to wash his hands? - he was touching the raw steak with his bare hands. Then he got into a car and I was thinking - he just touched the door handle with the same hand he had the steaks in!

Now this type of irrational thinking is probably about as wierd as the hoarders I wrote about yesterday, but I just can't help it. I may be the only person who notices, but in all TV shows and movies, when a character gets out of the car they always leave the door open! They'll be running after the love of their life, they get to the parking lot and leave the door open as they run after that person. Well, at this climax of the movie I'm thinking about how they left the car door open with the keys in the ignition and someone could easily steal the car.

Maybe I'm a little OCD. Each dish we have has a certain spot it goes in the dishwasher, I don't like for a dish to be in the wrong spot. I don't have to lock the door three times before I can walk away from it or anything, but maybe me thinking about these stupid things while I'm watching film is probably akin to my 25% OCD-ness.


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