Wednesday, January 26, 2011


There are a lot of people out there who are hoarders. Our neighbors say that the lady who lived here before us was a hoarder. It is pretty gross to thing that someone will keep everything that comes into their house regarless of if it's useable, sanitary, or hazardous. I've seen TV programs about compulsive hoarding, it's shocking.

If there is an opposite of a hoarder, then that would be me. I don't like to have anything in the house that is no longer useful. I want to sell anything of value that I don't use anymore on craigslist or eBay. If it has no value then I want to throw it away. I think I would rather have an empty house with only stuff I like than a fully furnished house with stuff I don't like. I'm not sure if that makes me as weird as a hoarder, but at least I know I'm not as gross.

I think hoarding is an addiction, and I don't have any disire to be close to it. I'm not into the 'green' craze, but one thing I will say for it is that those people are after a clean, crisp living experience. I'm all for that, get rid of the litter, the mess, and the stuff we don't use anymore.


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