Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Organ Donation

Everyone should be an organ donor. It's simple, you die...but doctors can still use your organs to save someone else's life. That is a no-brainer to me.

God gave us bodies for this earth, but that is all they are. They will be placed in a grave when we die, and then turn to bones, and then to dust. There is no reason to keep your organs, they should go to someone who needs them.

My father-in-law was the recipient of an organ transplant. He got a new liver six and a half years ago from a 28-year-old man who had died suddenly. Now he is able to live on. If that man had not checked 'organ donor' on his driver's license, may father-in-law may have never gotten a liver (because those are hard to come by).

But that guy was indeed an organ donor, as we all should be. If you accomplish nothing in your life, if you aren't able to be a blessing to anyone (which I doubt would ever be the case), then you could at least know that you could be a blessing to someone after you die. Be an organ donor, it's the right thing to do.


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