Thursday, October 6, 2011


I really hate to doubleback. If you're going to go somewhere, and then come back that is fine. But if you are going somewhere and you have to pass it to go somewhere else and then come back, not a fan.

Say you're at the grocery store, and you need to go to the pet store next. But you left your 30% off dog food coupon at home...and dog food is expensive so you want to go home and get it. I really don't like passing the pet store to go home, get the coupon, then go back to the pet store. Am I willing to pay full price? No. But I'd rather go home, and take an alternate route to the pet store or go to a different one than doubleback to the pet store.

I am crazy? Maybe. But I really don't like to doubleback. And if I'm going to a particular destination, and there is a different way back to where I came from that will take the same amount of time...let's take that different way back.


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