Monday, July 19, 2010

The Beginning of My Blog

Today, I started this blog. It is going to be about my opinions and what not.

I've heard people say that opinions are like butt-holes, everybody has one and they all stink. Well, that is their opinion and they probably don't wipe very well. Perhaps they should use a wet-wipe. My opinion on wet-wipes is they are very good to use if you have the means, however I wouldn't suggest using them if you don't have regular t.p. to follow up with because that won't be enjoyable for the following minutes after you've left the throne.

Nevertheless, I like opinions because without them how do you argue? I enjoy arguing, or as I like to call it...debating. If someone thinks a certain way and they voice their thought process, and you don't agree with them, in the appropriate venue then you should tell them your opinion and why their opinion is not good or ill-contrived. My way of thinking is not followed by many, but generally as I see it, if someone speaks an untruth, or some kind of position I don't agree with and no one in that setting rebukes it, then I make the assumption that they all agree with it or have no opinion. If I were to leave it at that all of those people might grasp onto that opinion and their mind could go astray, into the abyss of foolish thinking. So, I make my point so those people can get a fair and balanced view of the issue at hand. Some people call this arguing, I call it debating.

I've always thought to myself, maybe I'll write a book that states all my opinions, all the things I think people should be doing. People could read this book so they could live in harmony with me! Not really, I am not the most important person in the world but I think that the volumes of useless knowledge I have in my head can be used by those who appreciate it. So this blog is my book, all the things I've wanted to write down but have been to lazy to.


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