Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I love cheese. There are so many different kinds of cheeses. You can melt cheese and put it into some food, you can put a slice of it on a sandwich, you can shred it, you can do anything with it. Each different type of cheese has a unique flavor and you can put cheese on almost anything and it will make it taste better, or at the very least give it a different flavor. Just thinking about cheese is making my mouth water.

I am still a novice when it comes to cheese knowledge, but I have a few favorites ranked below. Of course, this is based on what I have tried. I may have forgotten some but I know I've included the main ones that I dream about at night.

1. Pepperjack
2. Blue Cheese
3. American
4. Cream Cheese
5. Mozzarella
6. Fontina
7. Monterrey Jack
8. Provolone
9. Gouda
10. White Mexican Cheese
11. Colby-Jack
12. Swiss
13. Cheddar
14. Ricotta

In my opinion, the best way to buy cheese is to have it sliced at the local deli from a huge block of cheese. Unless you are melting the cheese, then you can just buy a small block of it.

There are a ton of cheeses in the world. You could spend a lifetime making your way through all the Italian cheeses. Eating cheeses, and experimenting with them is very fun. Something doesn't taste that good? Melt some cheese and pour on top of it! You're hungry, only have a couple of ingredients but one of them is cheese? Then put them together and make something great because you have cheese! I love cheese!


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