Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tebow, 2012 Election, SNL, and Christian Bashing

Last Saturday night, SNL performed a skit where Jesus came into the Bronco's post game locker room and told them about how HE was the one behind their six straight victories. Then he told Tim Tebow to 'bring it down a notch' in reference to his unabashed public professions of faith to Jesus Christ. Then at the end of the skit, Jesus said, "and those Mormans, it's all true".

I know this skit is meant to make people laugh. Does SNL really believe God is willing the Broncos to victory? I doubt it. And although I find it highly unlikely God has anything to do with their run to 1st place in the AFC West, I don't really care if people believe God is behind it or not. But this was beyond making people laugh, this skit was laced with liberal propaganda.

Everyone knows that if Tebow were a Muslim there is no way anyone would dare mention his faith. But since Christianity is the majority in America, we have freedom of expression, and it poses such a threat to the progressive causes most media espouse, Tebow's faith is a direct target. So this skit is an easy way to 'lightheartedly' rib Tebow for always mentioning Jesus' name....suggesting that Jesus is getting tired of the praise.

I could go on and on about how liberals make fun of Christians in situations such as these in a effort to develop a mindset against conservative beliefs but I'll save it. Instead, I'll focus on what that 'and those Mormans, it's all true' remark really meant.

Pretty easy to me. It wasn't meant for Christians to be more tolerant of Mormans. No. The left would like for Romney to win the Republican nomination. Mainly because of Gingrich's debating skills and intellect, but also because of Romney's apparent 'flip-flopping' and the likelihood conservatives will simply stay home rather than hold their nose and vote like they did in '08. Mitt Romney is a Morman. That is an obvious nod to prop up the Morman faith as 'normal' and an attempt to get Republican voters to view Romney in a more favorable light.

So how can liberals turn a comedy skit into a subliminal message relating to the 2012 presidential campaign? You just saw it. And they are smart too because that video was posted all over the internet on Sunday. Watch out for their crap, don't fall victim.


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