Thursday, April 21, 2011

Government Shutdown

When our federal government was debating the budget, there was talk of a government shutdown...which would put 800,000 non-essential government employees temporarily out of work. My question is: why do we have 800,000 NON-ESSENTIAL government employees?

Our government has so many layers of useless crap. And what do they produce...squat. They are all overhead. The least he does something. The police...excellent use of money. Military...terrific government employees. The guy who makes $50,000/year to collect $2 to enter the public park - WASTE! The four guys who drink coffee and talk all day at the permit office, getting two hours of paperwork done per day - WASTE!

Our tax dollars pay for all these 800,000 non-essential government employees. Complete waste of our hard-earned money.


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