Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I watched the movie 'The Social Network' the other day. It was pretty entertaining. I can't imagine why it was nominated for Academy Awards though. Still, the phenomenon is how much facebook has changed the way everyone communicates. I don't mind it, but there are still a few things that can warrant a phone call. And then on the other spectrum, there are a few things not everyone needs to know about.

If you are moving to another state or country, or even another town...I would have to think that if your family and close friends saw it on facebook before you called them or at least sent them a personal text message they would have to be offended. I know I would. If you are having a child, going to get married, broke up with a long time boyfriend/girlfriend, getting divorced, got a big promotion, lost your job, diagnosed with a disease, cured from a disease, anything that is significant in your is very dumb to post it on facebook without telling those close to you. If the first thing you think of is to post on facebook about it, then you are a dork, but I'll get to that later. But think of how unimportant those close to you feel if and when they hear about it as your status update rather from your mouth.

Then on the opposite spectrum of people posting important things, there are those who post really dumb stuff. Now I know I don't have to read it, and why do I log on to facebook if I don't care about what people update? Well, sometimes I get bored so I look at it, and some people post an interesting article or some other interesting thing. Then some people say, 'going to Chili's'. Who cares. The worst is, 'I'm sad...', nothing like trying to bait sympathy. And I realized something the other day. None of the popular people, the cool people I am friends with ever update their facebook status. It is only the dorky people. Hmmmm.

All I am looking for is people to not be ridiculous. Don't post stupid stuff and don't post important stuff before telling those close to you, especially your family...that is beyond dumb.


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