(A lot of this was taken from Bryant Wright)
Isn’t it amazing all the people we entrust our lives to every week? We trust pharmacists to give us the right pills from a prescription we can’t read. We trust pilots we don’t know to fly us to the right destination, believing that they know how to fly that baby exactly where we need to go. We drive down a two lane road with a person we don't know trucking towards us at 65 mph, and we trust our lives to engineers and road construction crews, believing the bridges will hold.
Yet, people have trouble trusting God.
They often say, “I can’t see Him.” Do we see the engineers who designed the bridge? Do we know the pilots? Not usually. Yet God, our Creator who loves us more than anyone, who even sacrificed His Son for us to have forgiveness of sin and eternal life, we find Him difficult to trust.
It’s amazing. It doesn’t make sense to trust imperfect men and not to trust a perfect God.
"I will say of the LORD, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'" - Psalm 91:2